オシドリのヒナたちの楽しい一日/a fun day with mandarin ducklings

ギャラリー(9枚の写真です)/a gallery of 9 photos 🙂20140702-duckies-2-220140702-duckies-1-220140702-duckies-3-2 20140702-duckies-4-2 20140702-duckies-5-2 20140702-duckies-6-2 20140702-duckies-7-2 20140702-duckies-8-2 20140702-duckies-9-2 *By clicking on the image(s) you can see the larger version(s).

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I have opened my own store on Zazzle! If interested, more details/store links can be found by clicking on the URL below:

この度「Z a z z l eストア」に店を開きました。詳細は下記リンクよりご確認いただけます。よろしければ、是非ご覧ください。


70 thoughts on “オシドリのヒナたちの楽しい一日/a fun day with mandarin ducklings

  1. Oh my goodness! You didn’t just make my day with this beautiful study, I’m sure you’ve made my whole week. That has to be the largest brood of ducklings I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t exactly having the best of weeks, and with your amazing talent for capturing the world’s beauty, you have changed it all for the better. Thank-you very much.

    • Hello my friend! Thank you for making my evening with your lovely comment. It’s been a challenging time for me too, but your warm words of encouragement have given the extra needed boost. What means even more is, when I made this series (I can’t believe it’s almost 2 years ago!), it was during a particularly challenging time. But these ducklings (a large brood of ducklings from several Mama Ducks) provided moments of joy that were truly medicine for the soul. So it means a lot to know, if others could experience the same thanks to these baby ducks and their natural love of Life. Warm wishes and prayers your way!

    • おはようございます!コメントありがとうございます。
      そうですね、野生だときっと狙われやすい(はず!>__<)ですが、幸い(?)この仔たちは動物園の飼育員にしっかり管理されているので、多分、大丈夫だと思います(笑) 😀

      • 御免、ね。遅かったので間違ってしまいました。猫では無く犬、又は鷹など。。。内の近所ではWildlife守われていますが(法則)鷹は増えて来てBabyかSmall Animalsは持っていかれています。大きい犬にも時々殺されています。

    • Good morning Ben,
      Many thanks for stopping by and commenting!
      I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time 🙂 These fuzzballs had so much ‘natural cuteness’ – all I had to do was aim and shoot (my camera of course) 😀


    • Thank you very much for your kind comments. I am delighted you like these ducklings. I plan to do one more “ducky” mini-series on Wed…it will be a slightly different theme from this post 😉

    • Hello Lindy,
      Thank you very much for your comment! I am delighted you enjoyed this series. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time 😀
      I hope you’ll stop by again when you have time 🙂
      Warm wishes,

  2. Oh, Takami! What joy your photos bring me this morning! :))) They filled my partner and I with pure delight–I can’t think of a better way to start our day. I LOVE this series. You captured so many wonderful “duckie” moments. I love them all, but I’m especially drawn to the shot with the red reflections in the water. Absolutely wonderful image and a fabulous series, my friend. I wish you a very happy day! :))

    • Hello Jeannie, thank you very much for making my morning with your visit and comment! 😀 I am so happy to learn your partner also enjoyed these shots, and twice happy if it brought a smile (and warm fuzzy feeling?) to you 🙂

      I visited these fuzzballs a few times during June, and was rewarded with many photo ops and a dose of good luck. I am excited you liked the shot with the red reflections in the water, because it’s one of my personal favorite too. (The red reflection is from another bird, and he (she?) will get his own post in the future☆)

      Actually, I am planning to post one more ducky mini-gallery next Wed…it will be a different “tone” from today, so please look forward to it 😉 I don’t mean to overdo it with the duckies, but there were so many wonderful moments…I can’t help myself…

      Many thanks again, for sharing your thoughts and the “like” 😀
      いつも励みになります! (It always gives me encouragement!)

      • I am most certainly looking forward to seeing your ducky mini-gallery next week. For me, there can never be too many sweet duckies–keep ‘em coming! I’m also looking forward to seeing the shot of the red bird reflected in the water. I can’t imagine what it is! Have a wonderful day! :))

    • Thank you very much! 🙂 I like ducks (and all birds) very much too, and was very lucky to spend many hours with these cute fellows. As you noticed, they have such a variety of expressions/actions, I could easily spend a whole day watching them and never get bored 😀

    • こんばんは。コメントありがとうございます。
      ヒナ達は本当に可愛かったです♡ 可愛いけど、強い!

    • Thank you very much for your comment! I am so happy you enjoyed these ducklings. I plan to post another mini-gallery next week (Wed) and it will be a different theme from today. If you have time, please stop by again (you’re always welcome) 🙂 🙂

  3. ああぁかわいいですね。

    • Chunさま☆
      こんにちは。いつもご訪問、コメントをありがとうございます! ❤

      来週も「ヒナ」をテーマに写真シリーズを投稿する予定ですが、全く違う雰囲気になるので良かったら是非ぜひまた見にきてください! 😀

      • わぁ 😀 来週が楽しみです。 ❤

        • おっしゃる通りです!
          お陰で大変良い勉強になります。そして良い写真撮れたときの何とも言えない達成感(笑) 😀

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