梅雨明け/after the rain

* 4 photos *20150722-tibaraphoto-summer-1-2 20150722-tibaraphoto-summer-3-2 20150722-tibaraphoto-summer-2-2 20150722-tibaraphoto-summer-4-2*By clicking on the image(s) you can see the larger version(s).

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70 thoughts on “梅雨明け/after the rain

  1. This is such a wonderful series of photos Takami ~ and perfect title to explore each of these. The first shot is something else, as I’ve always thought the dragonfly to be something out of this world, and your shot here proves it 🙂 Wonderful work ~ enjoy your day.

  2. I just love the turtle shot (they are all fantastic, of course). I just love yellow belly sliders and red ear sliders. We’ve a large pond and many such turtles. One we named Sally Slider. She’s a sweetheart.

  3. So pretty except for the snake and is that a fish laying on the rocks on the side of the pool in the last photo.
    My grandson loves the turtle.

    • I’m so glad your grandson liked the turtle! The 2nd shot was actually a tiny lizard, but he did have some ‘snake like’ features. And I don’t recall seeing any fish laying on the rocks when making the last photo – just Mama Duck and baby 🙂

    • Nasuko様

    • りょうちゃん様☆
      こんにちは。コメントありがとうございます^^梅雨も明け、いよいよ夏本番ですね!これから猛暑日が続きそうです。どうかお体にくれぐれもお気をつけください m(__)m

  4. Oh, Takami! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! The damselfly is so ethereal and beautiful. And I adore lizards and turtles. Both are rare sights here, so this is such a pleasure to see. And Mama and her sweet little fluff ball – well, that just makes my heart swell. Thank you for such a joyful and inspiring post! I LOVE it so much! I’m so happy your rains have ended and it feels like summer! Wishing you and yours a very happy week! :))

    • Dear Jeannie♡
      Thanks so much for your positive and enthusiastic feedback! I’m delighted you enjoyed this little mini-series of ‘local nature.’ It was my first time seeing a damselfly, so I was almost jumping up and down like an excited kid 🙂 My husband & I love lizards and turtles too, so I’m doubly thrilled that they’re getting some nice responses (I was completely unaware that they are rare sights in your beautiful city!). And thanks a million for noticing the little fluff ball next to Mama Duck. I think he was a little overwhelmed by all the summer activity, but soon took it all in his stride.

      Wishing you and yours a perfect weekend ahead!

  5. Sorry to bother you twice in one day my friend, but I forgot that I had another link I really thought you would like to check out the next time you had some spare time (you’ll probably want to give yourself at least 5-10 minutes). If these links are a nuisance, just let me know, I promise you won’t hurt my feelings. I only send them because I know how much you love all our furry little friends, and these people have captured their images so well. This link is as follows:


    • Thank you Noelle! Summer has arrived in full-force, and all creatures seem to be waking up and savoring the bright sunshine 🙂 It was my first time seeing a damselfly (I almost jumped up and down out of pure happiness) and Mr Turtle seemed quite a character indeed 😀

  6. Now those were just the pictures I needed to brighten my day. I can see that when I finally do say goodbye to this platform, I will be sneaking back once in a while just to check up on your site. Of that you can be certain. Have a great day.

    • Thank you so much for this comment. I’m honoured and humbled if some of my photos can provide positive vibes to folks. It makes everything worth it – including sunburns and insect bites 😀 You can be sure that I will be visiting your YouPic page regularly too! Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead.

    • Thank you Mary!
      The photos in this series were taken during an impromptu visit to a nearby park. The rains had passed, the sun was shining, and all the local wildlife was celebrating summer, it seemed 🙂

    • I have a big soft spot for turtles and frogs (and lizards!) too 🙂
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment.
      The rains have passed, and summer has arrived full-force in Tokyo.
      I have a feeling it will be another hot and humid few weeks 😉

      • I imagine it is difficult to cool off in a city as big as Tokyo.

        (As a side note, my daughter is an Asian studies major with a minor in Japanese. She adores Japan and hopes to do a study abroad program there next year. Her husband took her to Japan on their honeymoon 7 years ago. She has become an expert on Kimono and does presentations on proper dress, etc. I think she’s a bit disappointed she was born Scotch/Irish and not Asian. 🙂 )

        • Your daughter seems like a very brilliant person. It’s admirable that she is an expert on kimono – something most ‘modern’ Japanese are ignorant on. I hope she’ll be able to do the study abroad program 🙂

    • Thank you Chrissie 🙂
      You’re right, it’s so difficult (at least for me) to capture dragonflies and damselflies with a camera. It was my first time to see a damselfly with my own eyes, a very exciting experience 🙂

      Best wishes,

  7. こんにちは(^^♪

    • wakasahs15th様☆

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