
20141008-buddies-2*By clicking on the image(s) you can see the larger version(s).
※画像をクリックすると大きく見れます。 🙂

* * *
I have opened my own store on Zazzle! If interested, more details/store links can be found by clicking on the URL below: https://tibaraphoto.wordpress.com/store/

この度「Z a z z l eストア」に店を開きました。詳細は下記リンクよりご確認いただけます。よろしければ、是非ご覧ください。 www.zazzle.co.jp/tibaraphoto

79 thoughts on “仲間/buddies

    • Thank you 🙂 🙂
      The moment I framed this shot, I knew sepia would be perfect for it. They look so vulnerable and innocent, seemingly unaware of the big bad world. I loved how the cub on the top is chewing on his brother’s ear – it was this act that made this photo ‘special’ for me.

      Hope everything is OK in HK, and wishing you a great week ahead!

  1. Pingback: 仲間/buddies | Artists4Peace

    • ありがとうございます!励みになります!
      🙂 😀

    • Hello my friend!
      I hope you are having a good weekend?
      As always, thank you for your encouraging and kind comments. It’s always an honour if people can enjoy my photos 🙂
      My best wishes to you too ❤

    • wakasahs15thさま☆

  2. 🙂 私は、それらの上に持ってくださいしたいと思います!彼らはラッキー·ルー、ルー、私のスペイン語のtomcatで遊ぶことができました…進歩とHHH=巨大心から抱擁でお願いします… ❤

  3. こんにちは。

    • ちゅんさま!


      • お返事ありがとう。


    • Thank you so much for your comment, Lindy! 🙂
      Yes, it was indeed a very precious moment ❤ Although they are so adorable right now, I hope they will grow big and strong and of course, healthy 😉 🙂

  4. Oh, what a perfect portrait! So beautiful, so soft, so adorable! It melts my heart! This is an excellent shot of these two cubs, Takami–beautifully composed. And, of course, it’s the eyes that really make this shot so compelling–great eye contact and perfect catch light. I love the monochromatic render too. Excellent work, my friend! LOVE this. Wishing you a very happy day! :))

    • Hello Jeannie!
      Thank you so much for noticing their eyes…the eyes of these baby lions mesmerized me for many hours, and made me forget about eating lunch 😉 As you know, I’ve been making a lot of lion cub photos recently…not simply because they’re so cute (which they are…) but because they show so much expression and movements, I can never get bored 😀

      For some strange reason, I immediately knew that I wanted this shot to be in monochrome… The tenderness and vulnerability that the cubs show at this early stage in their lives…it’s hard to believe they’ll grow to be kings/queens of the ‘jungle’ 🙂 😉

      I hope you’re having a great autumn weekend! We’re expecting yet another typhoon to pass by here…

  5. So new to life, and so trusting. I wonder what they see, still cuddled together for warmth — as they did so recently inside their mama…. Lovely photograph, Takami. One of your best in this genre.

    • Hello Nina,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I also wonder what they see…they looked so young and innocent and…vulnerable. There is a part of me that wishes they’d always stay small (& stay together with their Mom) and never experience the big, bad world… Of course, I know I’m being unrealistic 😦
      I’m very glad if this photograph could bring a smile to your face 😀

    • Hello Herve 🙂
      I am sorry for my late reply.
      Thank you, for your kind words to this photograph. The small lion cubs are full of innocence…I wish for them a good life. I hope you have a good weekend! 🙂

    • Apologies for my late reply! I am so happy you liked this photo. I’m considering to submit it for Artists4Peace, maybe as a general friendship/peace theme 🙂 😀 Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

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