子育て奮闘中 the joys of parenting

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© 茨原 孝貞(Takami Ibara)

© Takami Ibara (“T Ibara Photo”)
All photographs & images on this site are copyrighted by Takami Ibara (茨原 孝貞). Any and all use of materials on this site without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

94 thoughts on “子育て奮闘中 the joys of parenting

    • Thank you! I spent much of the summer and autumn of that year, following 2 Little Grebe families. This family was the “summer” family. I am happy to say that all 5 babies made it to adulthood 🙂

      Best wishes from Japan,

    • Thank you for being a “good sport” and patiently finding each chick! The babies were so tiny, it is amazing how all of them could burrow into Mama (or Papa) Bird. I also loved the sense of near desperation on Papa bird’s face as he was stretching with all his might to get the fish to the baby… He probably didn’t want to get a scolding from Mama Bird if he “messed up.” Ah well, these were the imagined interactions I had while observing this happy family 😀

  1. A friend’s dog has just produced a litter. According to the friend, he was surprised to see the maternal instincts that so naturally developed in the mother once the cubs were born. She is available when they need feeding. She is reluctant to leave them alone for long. And so on.

    • Hello Simone,
      Thank you very much for your comment!
      I am happy this scene gave you a positive emotion.
      The Little Grebes are small water birds, but they are very strong and resilient.
      Best wishes always 🙂

    • Thank you Jolandi, as always, your visit and comment is much appreciated ❤
      It did take some patience, planning and some good luck – and I'm happy if the photo brings a smile 🙂

    • Thank you dear Tanja ❤
      It was raining on this morning, which made for deep, dark colours that enhanced the magic of the moment for me.
      There were 5 little babies in total, and it was a real joy to observe them simply live in the moment. All were tumbling very each other (very acrobatic), and sleeping, and eating – the cycle for all babies 😀 Mama and Papa Bird were wonderful – staying alert, keeping the babies fed, and protecting each other…

      Yes, the Little grebe baby really did eat the fish. It was amazing 😀

      • Isn’t it amazing how little observations like yours burn themselves into our memory and leave such a lasting impression?! I live for those profound nature encounters.
        The “grebelet’s ” tummy must have been very full! 🙂

  2. Oh, Takami, this picture is precious. I just loved looking at it taking it all in. We don’t have little Grebes here so it is doubly nice to view birds that I’m not familiar with. Thank you! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    • Thank you dear Amy🌹
      I was hoping you’d have a chance to see this – I knew you would like this Little Grebe family☺️ Twice happy if I can “introduce” some of our local birds to you 😀

  3. Splendid, as usual. The life, the colors, the wonder and beauty of nature captured in a single slice of time, freely display for us to behold. Thank you for sharing, Takami, the fruits of your time. Wishing you and yours well.

    • Thank you Peter. Comments such as yours mean a lot and encourage me to keep up with this blog.

      “Little Grebes” live in Japan all-year so it’s a joy to observe them during the seasons. I hoped for many years for the opportunity to observe this scene, and it was a blessing when it finally happened.

      It’s my sincere wish that my images will contribute to a greater appreciation for the living creatures of this planet (and each other). My husband & I send our best wishes to you too.

    • Thank you Mr. Hien!
      This Little Grebe is amongst the very few members of the “grebe” family who lives in Japan all-year long. I couldn’t help but smile the entire time observing this family 🙂

    • Hello David,
      Thanks much for your visit and comment.
      I agree, they look very similar to little grebes found in Europe. This little grebe is the only member of the grebe family who stays in Japan all-year long.

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